Declaring the Good News of Jesus among all peoples by the Holy Spirit’s power for God’s Glory.

At Tulip Grove, we belive that we’ve been commissioned to take the gospel to all peoples until Christ returns (Matt 28:20; Act 1:8). As our Lord came to seek and save the lost, so we have been sent by him to reach the lost with the Gospel. God’s plan for spreading the good news of Christ is through establishing new churches on the gospel who will then reach their local communities. For this reason, we want to be on mission in our own community, but also active in establishing new churches and sending missionaries with the gospel throughout greater Nashville and around the globe for the glory of God.

Local Missions

IMG_0280We seek to reach the nations who have come to us through our ESL ministry. We partner with local schools to meet needs among children in our community. We support the Pregnancy Care Center which seeks to empower individuals to make life-affirming decisions regarding unplanned pregnancies through education, counseling, and compassion care based on the hope of Christ. We partner with the Nashville Baptist Assocaition and other like-minded churches to strategically help revitalize and establish new churches within greater Nashville.

Domestic Missions

Tulip Grove cannot reach all of Nashville, the state of TN, let alone North America by itself. For this reason, we partner with other like-minded churches to establish new and revitalize existing churches, who will then be able to declare the good news of Jesus in their local community. In this way, our mission work remains local church centered. We also partner with the North American Mission Board (NAMB) to plant churches in difficult regions of the country and help revitalize existing churches.

Global Missions

Globally, we partner with the International Mission Board (IMB) to support missionaries and their families take the gospel to unreached people groups around the world.

WMU-LogoOur church also partners with the Women's Missionary Union (WMU) to help us pray for missions, engage in missions, learn about missions, and support missions. You can learn more by visiting our WMU and our Women on Mission pages.


To learn more about our commitment to discipleship, watch this sermon by Pastor Chase.